Last update: September 22, 2021
Added on September 22, 2021:
- Lopez-Santana/Rocco 2021, Fiscal Federalism and Economic Crises in the US …
Added on Sepember 10, 2021:
- Bilbiie/Monacelli/Perotti 2021, Fiscal Policy in Europe: Controversy over Rules …
- Canova/Pappa 2021, Likely Effects of the EU Recovery Plan
Added on June 1st, 2021:
- De Witte 2021, The EU’s CoViD-19 Recovery Plan
Column “D” lists the author’s academic discipline (s)
E = economy; H = history, IR = international relations; L = law; P = political science; PA = public administration; PF = public finance; S = sociology; Var = various
Column “C” provides information on the availability
D = digital copy available; DoD = digital copy available on demand because of file size (contact Roman); P = printed copy available; N = no copy available; USL = printed copy at the University of Salzburg library