Last update: October 18, 2021
Added on October 18, 2021:
- Crum 2020, How to Provide Political Guidance to the RRF?
- Gern/Kooths/Stolzenburg 2020, When and how to deactivate the SGP general escape clause?
- Gros 2020, Europe and the Covid-19 Crisis
- Ioannidis 2020, Covid-19 and the European Economic Order
- Jones 2020, When and how to deactivate the SGP general escape clause?
- Kirkegaard 2020, What Role for the European Semester in the Recovery Plan?
- Lambertini 2020, When and how to deactivate the SGP general escape clause?
- Martin/Ragot 2020, When and how to deactivate the SGP general escape clause?
- Moschella 2020, What Role for the European Semester in the Recovery Plan?
Added on September 29, 2021:
- Rodden 2021, The Great Recession and the Public Sector in Rural America
Added on September 27, 2021:
- Bordo/Duca 2021, How the Fed Municipal Bond Facilty Capped …
Author(s) | Editor(s), Title | Year | D | C |
Allain-Dupré Dorothée, Assigning responsibilities across levels of government: Trends, challenges and guidelines for policy-makers (OECD Working Papers on Fiscal Federalism 24) September | 2018 | E | D |
Azoulai Loïc/Boucon Lena/Millet François-Xavier (eds), Deconstructing EU Federalism through Competences, EUI Working Papers LAW 2012/06, San Domenico di Fiesole, 114 pp | 2012 | L | D |
Bach Steffen/Blöchliger Hansjörg/Wallau Dominik, The spending power of sub-central governments (OECD Working Papers on Fiscal Federalism 8) September | 2009 | E | D |
Bachtrögler-Unger Julia/Holzner Mario/Kubeková Veronika/Schratzenstaller Margit, Overcoming the net position thinking in EU member states (Austrian Society for European Politics, Policy Briefs), July 16 | 2020 | E | D |
BAK Basel Economics AG (ed), Regionale Kompetenzverteilung und wirtschaftlicher Erfolg, Innsbruck, 84 pp | 2016 | E | P |
Becker Sascha/Mergele Lukas/Woessmann Ludger, The Separation and Reunification of Germany: Rethinking a Natural Experiment Interpretation of the Enduring Effects of Communism (CESifo Working Paper No. 8164) March | 2020 | E / H | D |
Blöchliger Hansjörg, Decentralisation and Economic Growth – Part 1: How Fiscal Federalism Affects Long-Term Development (OECD Working Papers on Fiscal Federalism 14) March | 2015 | E | D |
Blöchliger Hansjörg/Nettley Maurice, Sub-Central Tax Autonomy. 2011 Update (OECD Working Papers on Fiscal Federalism 20) June | 2013 | E | D |
Blöchliger Hansjörg/Petzold Oliver, Finding the Dividing Line Between Tax Sharing and Grants (OECD Working Papers on Fiscal Federalism 10) June | 2009 | E | D |
Blöchliger Hansjörg/Pinero Campos José Maria, Tax Competition Between Sub-Central Governments (OECD Working Papers on Fiscal Federalism 13) April | 2011 | E | D |
Blöchliger Hansjörg/Rabesona Josette, The Fiscal Autonomy of Sub-Central Governments OECD Working Papers on Fiscal Federalism 9) June | 2009 | E | D |
Blöchliger Hansjörg ea, Fiscal Policy Across Levels of Government in Times of Crisis (OECD Working Papers on Fiscal Federalism 13) March | 2010 | E | D |
Boadway Robin/Dougherty Sean, Decentralisation in a Globalised World: Consequences and Opportunities (OECD Working Papers on Fiscal Federalism 21) February | 2018 | E | D |
Bordo Michael D./Duca John V., How the New Fed Municipal Bond Facility Capped Muni-Treasury Yield Spreads in the Covid-19 Recession (NBER Working Paper 28437), 55 pp | 2021 | E E | D |
Bordo Michael D./Jonung Lars, The Future of EMU. What does the History of Monetary Unions Tell Us?, Washington/DC (NBER Working Paper 7365), 42 pp | 1999 | E / E | D |
Bundesministerium für Finanzen [AT], Grundlegende Reform des Finanzausgleichs: Reformoptionen und Reformstrategien. Endbericht (Vienna), 59 pp | 2011 | E, PF, PA | D |
Canova Fabio/Pappa Evi, What are the likely macroeconomic eects of the EU Recovery plan? (unpublished pre-print paper), 50 pp | 2021 | E E | D |
Charbit Claire, Explaining the Sub-National Tax-Grants Balance in OECD Countries (OECD Working Papers on Fiscal Federalism 11) January | 2010 | E | D |
Creel Jérôme/Holzner Mario/Saraceno Francesco/Watt Andrew/Wittwer Jérôme, How to Spend it: A Proposal for a European Covid-19 Recovery Programme (WIIW Policy Notes and Reports 38) June | 2020 | E | D |
Crum Ben, How to Provide Political Guidance to the Recovery and Resilience Facility?, European Parliament Economic Governance Support Unit (EGOV), Directorate-General for Internal Policies PE 651.371, 29 pp | 2020 | P | D |
Darvas Zsolt, Fiscal federalism in crisis: lessons for Europe from the US, Bruegel policy contribution, No. 2010/07, 17 pp | 2010 | E | D |
Dion-Brassard Nikola, Oil Rents and the Politics of Equalization in Canadian Federalism, Forum of Federations Occasional Paper Series Number 46, 25 pp | 2020 | P | D |
Dougherty Sean/Harding Michelle/Reschovsky Andrew, Twenty years of tax autonomy across levels of government: measurement and applications (OECD Working Papers on Fiscal Federalism 29) November | 2019 | E | D |
Dougherty Sean/Phillips Leah, The spending power of subnational decision makers across five policy sectors (OECD Working Papers on Fiscal Federalism 25) March | 2019 | E | D |
Fabbrini Federico, A Fiscal Capacity for the Eurozone: Constitutional Perspectives (Study for the EP’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs) (Brussels), 35 pp | 2019 | L | D |
Feld Lars P./Necker Sarah, Fiskalföderalismus in der Europäischen Union: Herausforderungen für die Reform der Finanzverfassung der EU (European Liberal Forum asbl, Brussels), 92 pp | 2010 | E | D |
Frieden Jeffrey, Lessons for the euro from early American monetary and financial history (Bruegel Essay and Lecture Series) (Brussels, Bruegel), 40 pp | 2016 | P | D |
Gern Hansjürgen/Kooths Stefan/Stolzenburg Ulrich, When and how to deactivate the SGP general escape clause? Fiscal Surveillance after the Break, European Parliament Economic Governance Support Unit (EGOV), Directorate-General for Internal Policies PE 651.376, 32 pp | 2020 | E E E | D |
Gros Daniel, Europe and the Covid-19 Crisis: The Challenges Ahead, CEPS Policy Insights No 2020-20 / September, 15 pp | 2020 | P | D |
Institut d’Economia Barcelona, IEB’s World Report on Fiscal Federalism ’09, Barcelona, 120 pp | 2009 | E | D |
Institut d’Economia Barcelona, IEB’s World Report on Fiscal Federalism ‘12, Barcelona, 116 pp | 2012 | E | D |
Ioannidis Michael, Between Responsibility and Solidarity: Covid-19 and the Future of the European Economic Order, MPIL Research Paper 2020-39, 13 pp | 2020 | L | D |
Jones Erik, When and how to deactivate the SGP general escape clause?, European Parliament Economic Governance Support Unit (EGOV), Directorate-General for Internal Policies PE 651.378, 25 pp | 2020 | P | D |
Kapeller Jakob/Gräbner Claudius/Heimberger Philip, Wirtschaftliche Polarisierung in Europa. Ursachen und Handlungsoptionen, Bonn (Friedrich Ebert-Stiftung), 46 pp | 2019 | E | D |
Kapeller Jakob/Gräbner Claudius/Heimberger Philip, Wirtschaftliche Polarisierung in Europa. Ursachen und Handlungsoptionen, ICAE Working Paper Series, No. 98, 80 pp | 2019 | E | D |
Kerim-Dikeni Sirina, Distribution of Federal Revenues and Expenditures by Province, Library of Parliament Publication No 2017-01-E, Ottawa | 2020 | – | D |
Kirkegaard Jacob Funk, What role for the European Semester in the recovery plan?, European Parliament, Economic Governance Support Unit (EGOV), Directorate-General for Internal Policies PE 651.370, 32 pp | 2020 | E | D |
Koutsogeorgopoulou Vassiliki/Tuske Annamaria, Federal-State Relations in Australia, OECD Economics Department Working Papers No. 1198, 38 pp | 2015 | E | D |
Lambertini Luisa, When and how to deactivate the SGP general escape clause?, European Parliament Economic Governance Support Unit (EGOV), Directorate-General for Internal Policies PE 651.381, 33 pp | 2020 | E | D |
Lehner Gerhard, Aufgabenorientierter Finanzausgleich (Vienna, WiFo), 106 pp | 2003 | E | D |
Martin Philippe/Ragot Xavier, When and how to deactivate the SGP general escape clause?, European Parliament Economic Governance Support Unit (EGOV), Directorate-General for Internal Policies PE 651.375, 28 pp | 2020 | E E | D |
Moschella Manuela, What role for the European Semester in the recovery plan?, European Parliament, Economic Governance Support Unit (EGOV), Directorate-General for Internal Policies PE 651.377, 30 pp | 2020 | P | D |
Noll Franklin, Repudiation! The Crisis of United States Civil War Debt, 1865-1870 (Geneva, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies) 31 pp | 2012 | H | D |
Odendahl Christian/Springford John, Three ways Covid-19 will cause economic divergence in Europe (London/Brussels/Berlin, Centre for European Reform) 13 pp | 2020 | E E | D |
OECD, Reforming Fiscal Federalism and Local Government. Beyond the Zero-sum Game (Paris, OECD) 139 pp | 2012 | E | D |
Pöschl Caroline/Weingast Barry, The Fiscal Interest Approach: The Design of Tax and Transfer Systems, unpublished paper, September, 24 pp | 2013 | P | D |
Rodden Jonathan, The Great Recession and the Public Sector in Rural America, unpublished paper, October, 28 pp | 2021 | P | D |
Sutherland Douglas/Price Robert/Joumard Isabelle, Fiscal Rules for Sub-central Governments. Design and Impact (OECD Network on Fiscal Relations Across Levels of Government Working Paper No. 1) (Paris, OECD) 76 pp | 2003 | E | D |
Vereinigung der deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer (ed), ‘Aussprache und Schlussworte. Finanzautonomie und Finanzverflechtung in gestuften Rechtsordnungen’, in Kadelbach ea (eds), Bundesstaat und Europäische Union zwischen Konflikt und Kooperation (= VVDStRL 66) (Berlin, De Gruyter) 335, 26 pp | 2007 | L | D |
von Hagen Jürgen/Hepp Ralf, Regional Risksharing and Redistribution in the German Federation (ZEI Working Paper B 15 2000) | 2000 | E | D |
Column “D” lists the author’s academic discipline (s)
E = economy; H = history, IR = international relations; L = law; P = political science; PA = public administration; PF = public finance; S = sociology; Var = various
Column “C” provides information on the availability
D = digital copy available; P = printed copy available; N = no copy available; USL = printed copy at the University of Salzburg library