I. Monographs

Last update: April 29, 2021

Added on April 29, 2021:

  • Rodden, Hamilton’s Paradox … (digital copy)

Added on January 27, 2021:

  • Schelkle, Monetäre Integration
  • Schelkle, Political Economy of Monetary Solidarity
Author(s), TitleYearDC
Boadway Robin/Shah Anwar, Fiscal Federalism. Principles and Practices of Multiorder Governance (Cambridge/MA, Cambridge University Press) 620 pp2009ED
Broschek Jörg, Der kanadische Föderalismus. Eine historisch-institutionalistische Analyse (Wiesbaden, VS Verlag) 386 pp2009PD
Brunnermeier Markus K./James Harold/Landau Jean-Pierre, The Euro and the Battle of Ideas (Princeton/NJ, Princeton University Press) 448 pp2016E
Commonwealth Grants Commission, Equality in Diversity. The History of the Commonwealth Grant Commissions, 2nd edn (Canberra, Australian Government Publishing Service) 303 pp1995HD
Commonwealth Grants Commission, The Commonwealth Grant Commissions. The Last 25 Years (Canberra, Australian Government Publishing Service) 162 pp2008HD
Detzer Sandra, Reformen finanzföderaler Beziehungen zwischen Bund und Gliedstaaten. Erfassung, Analyse und Determinanten im internationalen Vergleich (Berlin, Lit) 297 pp2011PP
Funk Albert, Föderalismus in Deutschland. Vom Fürstenbund zur Bundesrepublik (Bonn, Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung) 409 pp2010HP
James Harold, Monetary and Fiscal Integration in Nineteenth-Century Germany: What Can Kohl Learn from Bismarck? (Princeton/NJ, Princeton University) 50 pp1997HD
James Harold, Making the European Monetary Union. The Role of the Committee of Central Bank Governors and the Origins of the European Central Bank (Cambridge/MA/London, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press) 584 pp2012HD
Kitchen Harry/McMillan Melville/Shah Anwar, Local Public Finance and Economics. An International Perspective (London, Palgrave Macmillan) 521 pp2019ED
Korioth Stefan, Der Finanzausgleich zwischen Bund und Ländern (Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck) 721 pp1997LP
Nicholson-Crotty Sean, Governors, Grants, and Elections: Fiscal Federalism in the American States (Baltimore/MD, Johns Hopkins University Press) 200 pp2015PN
Ohler Christoph, Die fiskalische Integration in der Europäischen Gemeinschaft (Baden-Baden, Nomos) 472 pp1997LUSL
Rodden Jonathan A., Hamilton’s Paradox. The Promise and Peril of Fiscal Federalism (Cambridge/MA, Cambridge University Press) 313 pp2006PD
Schelkle Waltraud, Monetäre Integration. Bestandsaufnahme und Weiterentwicklung der neueren Theorie (Berlin/Heidelberg, Springer) 371 pp2001ED
Schelkle Waltraud, The Political Economy of Monetary Solidarity: Understanding the Euro Experiment (Oxford, OUP) 408 pp2017ED
Vanecloo Clément/Badriotti Augusta/Fornasini, Margherita, Fiscal federalism in the European Union and its countries : a confrontation between theories and facts (Brussels, PIE Lang) 238 pp2006EUSL

Column “D” lists the author’s academic discipline (s)
E = economy; H = history, IR = international relations; L = law; P = political science; PA = public administration; PF = public finance; S = sociology; Var = various

Column “C” provides information on the availability
D = digital copy; P = printed copy available (contact Roman); N = no copy available; USL = printed copy at the University of Salzburg library (contact Roman)