1st Intermediate Workshop

September 30 to October 6, 2020
Online with Zoom


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Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Time: Europe 15:00 ….. North America 06:00/07:00/09:00 ….. Australia 21:00/23:00
Panel 1: Plenary Session I
Fundamentals of Economic and Monetary Unions
Related material:
PPP by C Dornacher, F Huber, and S Griller
Videopresentation (31 min 7 sec)
Panel video recording (53 min 10 sec)
Thursday, October 1st, 2020
Time: Europe 10:30 ….. North America 01:30/02:30/04:30 ….. Australia 16:30/18:30
Panel 2:
Country Reports I
– Australia
……..Draft report Australia
– Austria
……..PPP by the Austrian team
……..Draft report Austria
– Belgium
– Germany
……..PPP by the German team
……..Draft report Germany
Panel video recording (1 hr 57 min 5 sec)
Thursday, October 1st, 2020
Time: Europe 15:00 ….. North America 06:00/07:00/09:00 ….. Australia 21:00/23:00
Panel 3: Plenary Session II
Comparative Evaluation of the FFG
Related material:
Compiled Fiscal Federalism Grid
Panel video recording (1 hr 6 min 42 sec)
Thursday, October 1st, 2020
Time: Europe 17:00 ….. North America 08:00/09:00/11:00 ….. Australia 23:00/01:00 (+ 1d)
Panel 4:
Country Reports II
– Switzerland
……..Draft report Switzerland
– Canada
……..PPP by the Canadian team
……..Draft report Canada (updated version, September 24, 2020)
……..Draft report USA
– EU
……..PPP by C Dornacher and S Puntscher Riekmann
……..Videopresentation (39 min 34 sec)
……..Draft report EU
……..Legal bases for EU fiscal policy
……..……..Relevant passages of the TEU
……..……..Relevant passages of the TFEU
……..……..Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2014-20
……..……..Own Resources Decision 2014-20
……..……..Financial Regulation EU General Budget, July 2018
……..……..May 2nd, 2020: Proposal for EU Own Resources
……..……..May 28, 2020: Amended proposal for EU Own Resources
……..……..May 28, 2020: Amended proposal MFF 2021-27
……..……..May 28, 2020: Regulation post CoViD EU Recovery Instrument
……..……..July 21, 2020: Conclusions of the Special meeting of the European Council (July 17-21, 2020)
Panel video recording (1 hr 59 min 50 sec)
Friday, October 2nd, 2020
Time: Europe 10:00 ….. North America 01:00/02:00/04:00 ….. Australia 16:00/18:00
Panel 5:
Further Proceedings – Europe and Australia
– Unified database
……..PPP by M Hesse
……..Video recording of the presentation and discussion at the workshop (29 min 6 sec)
– Glossary
……..Compiled Glossary
……..Concept ‘Glossary Step 2’
– Further proceedings of the project
……..Preliminary timetable for virtual mini-meetings in the winter term 2020 | 21
– Other issues
– Etc
Panel video recording (47 min 8 sec) (without Unified database-section)
Friday, October 2nd, 2020
Time: Europe 15:00 ….. North America 06:00/07:00/09:00 ….. Australia 21:00/23:00
Panel 6: Plenary Session III
Publication Strategy
Panel video recording (24 min 16 sec)
Friday, October 2nd, 2020
Time: Europe 17:00 ….. North America 08:00/10:00/12:00 ….. Australia 23:00/01:00 (+ 1d)
Panel 7:
Further Proceedings – Europe and North America
– Unified database
……..PPP by Mario Hesse
……..Video recording of the presentation and discussion at the workshop (29 min 6 sec)
– Glossary
……..Compiled Glossary
……..Concept ‘Glossary Step 2’
– Further proceedings of the project
……..Preliminary timetable for virtual mini-meetings in the winter term 2020 | 21
– Other issues
– Etc
Panel video recording (51 min 20 sec) (without Unified database-section)
Tuesday, October 6, 2020
Time: Europe 15:00 ….. North America 06:00/07:00/09:00 ….. Australia 21:00/23:00
Panel 8: Plenary Session IV
Discussion of leftovers
……..Updated version of the Fiscal Federalism Grid (FFG)
Panel video recording (59 min 24 sec)
End of the workshop