III. Book Chapters

Last update: March 5, 2021

Added on March 5, 2021:

  • Griller, Legal Background of MS’ Positions towards Economic and Fiscal Integration
  • Korioth/Marx, Germany
  • Lentsch, EMU Integration against the Backdrop of EU Law and Jurisprudence
  • Palmstorfer, Austria
Author(s), TitleYearDC
Adams Maurice/Fabbrini Federico/Larouche Pierre, ‘Introduction The Constitutionalization of European Budgetary Constraints: Effectiveness and Legitimacy in Comparative Perspective’, in Adams ea (eds), Constitutionalization, 1, 15 pp2014LD
Alber Elisabeth, ‘Intergovernmental Financial Relations: Institutions, Rules, and Praxis’, in Valdesalici/Palermo (eds), Comparing, 223, 51 pp2018IRP
Ambrosiano Maria Flavia/Balduzzi Paolo/Peiti Claudia, ‘Accountability and Revenue Assignments across Levels of Government Rules, Practices, and Challenges, in Valdesalici/Palermo (eds), Comparing, 119, 30 pp2018E / E / EP
Armstrong Kenneth A, ‘Differentiated Economic Governance and the Reshaping of Dominium Law’, in Adams ea (eds), Constitutionalization, 65, 19 pp2014LUSL
Aroney Nicholas, ‘The High Court of Australia: Textual Unitarism vs Structural Federalism’, in Aroney/Kincaid (eds), Courts in Federal Countries. Federalists or Unitarists? (Toronto, Toronto University Press) 29, 40 pp2017LD
Aroney Nicholas/Kincaid John, ‘Comparative Observations and Conclusions’, in Aroney/Kincaid (eds), Courts in Federal Countries. Federalists or Unitarists? (Toronto, Toronto University Press) 482, 59 pp2017L / LD
Azoulai Loïc, ‘Introduction’, in Azoulai ea (eds), EUI WP LAW 6/2012, 1, 4 pp2012LD
Bardutzky Samo/Fahey Elaine, ‘Who Got to Adjudicate the EU’s Financial Crisis and Why? Judicial Review of the Legal Instruments of the Eurozone’, in Adams ea (eds), Constitutionalization, 341, 17 pp2014LUSL
Bauer Helfried, ‘Fiscal Decentralization – Trends, Unsolved Problems and Possible Reforms in Austria’, in Lütgenau (ed), FF and Decentralisation, 289, 34 pp2014EP
Bellati Gian Angelo, ‘Fiscal Federalism in Times of Financial Crisis’, in Lütgenau (ed), FF and Decentralisation, 213, 37 pp2014PAP
Biaggini Giovanni, ‘Der neue Finanzausgleich in der Schweiz’, in Bußjäger (ed), Finanzausgleich, 55, 21 pp2006LP
Bird Richard M., ‘Fiscal Decentralisation and Decentralising Tax Administration: Different Questions, Different Answers’, in Valdesalici/Palermo (eds), Comparing, 190, 31 pp2018EP
Bösinger Rolf, ‘Auf dem Weg zur Neuordnung der bundesstaatlichen Finanzbeziehungen’, in Junkernheinrich ea (eds), Verhandlungen, 11, 8 pp2016PAP
Boadway Robin, ‘Fiscal federalism in Canada: principles, practices, problems’, in Appleby/Aroney/John (eds), The Future of Australian Federalism. Comparative and Interdisciplinary Perspectives (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press) 303, 17 pp2012ED
Bodman Philip, ‘Fiscal decentralisation and macroeconomic performance in Australia’, in Appleby/Aroney/John (eds), The Future of Australian Federalism. Comparative and Interdisciplinary Perspectives (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press) 339, 24 pp2012ED
Boucon Lena, ‘Deconstructing Federalism through Retained Powers of States: The European Court of Justice Middle Ground Approach Analyzed in the Light of the American Experience’, in Azoulai ea (eds), EUI WP LAW 6/2012, 23, 15 pp2012LD
Broer Michael, ‘Mögliche Folgen des Beschlusses der Ministerpräsidenten zu den bundesstaatliche Finanzbeziehunge für die kommunalen Finanzen’, in Junkernheinrich ea (eds), Verhandlungen, 157, 14 pp2016EP
Brouillet Eugénie, ‘The Supreme Court of Canada: The Concept of Cooperative Federalism and Its Effect on the Balance of Power’, in Aroney/Kincaid (eds), Courts in Federal Countries. Federalists or Unitarists? (Toronto, Toronto University Press) 135, 30 pp2017LD
Brechmann Winfried, ‘Politische Interessenlagen und Zustandekommen des MPK-Beschlusses vom 3. Dezember 2015 – Die Perspektive Bayerns’, in Junkernheinrich ea (eds), Verhandlungen, 19, 9 pp2016PAP
Brinkhaus Ralph, ‘Warum das Kooperationsverbot richtig ist und Gemeinschaftsaufgaben Gift sind’, in Junkernheinrich ea (eds), Verhandlungen, 87, 8 pp2016PAP
Brüser Marc, ‘Der Pakt für Forschung und Innovation III und das Verfahren für die Finanzierung des Aufwuchses durch den Bund am Beispiel der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft’, in Junkernheinrich ea (eds), Verhandlungen, 265, 7 pp2016PAP
Bußjäger Peter, ‘Modelle der Finanzverfassung und des Finanzausgleichs im internationalen Vergleich’, in Bußjäger (ed), Finanzausgleich, 9, 24 pp2006LP
Bußjäger Peter, ‘Nichts Neues unter der Sonne? Finanzausgleich und Steuerautonomie der Länder in Österreich’, in Bußjäger (ed), Perspektiven, 71, 25 pp2013LP
Calliess Christian, ‘Szenarien für die EU der Zukunft’, in Kirchhof/Keller/Schmidt (eds), Europa, 263, 36 pp2020LP
Colino César/Kölling Mario, ‘Parallel Lives. Unsolved Problems and Reform Initiatives in Spanish and German Fiscal Federalism’, in Lütgenau (ed), FF and Decentralisation, 253, 35 pp2014P / PP
Costamagna Francesco, ‘The Impact of Stronger Economic Policy Co-ordination on the European Social Dimension: Issues of Legitimacy’, in Adams ea (eds), Constitutionalization, 359, 19 pp2014LUSL
Craig Paul, ‘Economic Governance and the Euro Crisis: Constitutional Architecture and Constitutional Implications’, in Adams ea (eds), Constitutionalization, 19, 21 pp2014LUSL
De Streel Alexandre, ‘EU Fiscal Governance and the Effectiveness of its Reform’, in Adams ea (eds), Constitutionalization, 85, 19 pp2014LUSL
Delledonne Giacomo, ‘A Legalization of Financial Constitutions in the EU? Reflections on the German, Spanish, Italian and French Experiences’, in Adams ea (eds), Constitutionalization, 181, 23 pp2014LUSL
Dimopoulos Angelos, ‘The Use of International Law as a Tool for Enhancing Governance in the Eurozone and its Impact on EU Institutional Integrity’, in Adams ea (eds), Constitutionalization, 41, 23 pp2014LUSL
Ehtisham Ahmad, ‘Political economy of information generation and financial management for sub-national governments: some lessons from international experience’, in Etisham ea (eds), Multi-level finance, 49, 17 pp2016EN
Ehtisham Ahmad/Bordignon Massimo/Brosio Giorgio, ‘Introduction: how multi-level finance has contributed to the crisis and is affected by it’, in Etisham ea (eds), Multi-level finance, 1, 18 pp2016E / E / ED
Ehtisham Ahmad/Brosio Giorgio, ‘Can Lessons from Equalisation Transfers in Industrial Countries be Applied to Reforms in Emerging Market Countries’, in Valdesalici/Palermo (eds), Comparing, 169, 21 pp2018E / EP
Fabbrini Federico, ‘From Fiscal Constraints to Fiscal Capacity : The Future of EMU and its Challenges’, in Adams ea (eds), Constitutionalization, 399, 19 pp2014LUSL
Färber Gisela, ‘Chancen und Grenzen von Steuerwettbewerb in der Europäischen Union’, in Bußjäger (ed), Finanzausgleich, 87, 22 pp2006PFP
Färber Gisela, ‘Was ist Finanzföderalismus?’, in Bußjäger (ed), Perspektiven, 11, 28 pp2013PFP
Färber Gisela, ‘Taxing Powers of Subnational Entities: Between Domestic and Supranational Constraints’, in Valdesalici/Palermo (eds), Comparing, 149, 20 pp2018PFP
Förster Wolgang/Krönert Enrico, ‘Der Beschluss der Ministerpräsidentenkonferenz zur Neuordnung der Bund-Länder-Finanzbeziehungen vom 3. Dezember 2015 – Untergang oder konsequente Weiterentwicklung des Finanzausgleichs?’, in Junkernheinrich ea (eds), Verhandlungen, 29, 22 pp2016PAP
Frei Xenia/Rösel Felix, ‘Die Verteilung kommunaler Schulden in Deutschland’, in Junkernheinrich ea (eds), Verhandlungen, 211, 11 pp2016EP
Galligan Brian, ‘Fiscal federalism: then and now’, in Appleby/Aroney/John (eds), The Future of Australian Federalism. Comparative and Interdisciplinary Perspectives (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press) 320, 19 pp2012PD
Garello Pierre, ‘French sub-national public finances: on the difficulty of being a decentralized unitary state’, in Etisham ea (eds), Multi-level finance, 103, 28 pp2016EN
Goulard Sylvie, ‘Über den Euro hinaus?’, in Kirchhof/Keller/Schmidt (eds), Europa, 249, 14 pp2020PAD
Griller Stefan, ‘Analytical Report on the Legal Background of Member States’ Positions towards Economic and Fiscal Integration’, in Griller/Lentsch (eds), EMU Integration and Member States’ Constitutions, 1, 32 pp2021LD
Häde Ulrich, ‘Was bleibt vom geschwisterlichen Finanzausgleich? Die Länder einigen sich – der Bund soll zahlen’, in Junkernheinrich ea (eds), Verhandlungen, 111, 9 pp2016LP
Hajduk Anna, ‘Was bleibt vom solidarischen Fundament unseres Föderalismus’, in Junkernheinrich ea (eds), Verhandlungen, 103, 7 pp2016PAP
Henneke Hans-Günter, ‘Zuweisunen des Bundes in verfassungsechtlich abgesicherter Form zum Ausgleich der Finanzkraftunterschiede auf Gemeindeebene?’, in Junkernheinrich ea (eds), Verhandlungen, 171, 9 pp2016PAP
Hey Johanna, ‘Finanzautonomie und Finanzverflechtungen in gestuften Rechtsordnungen’, in Kadelbach ea (eds), Bundesstaat und Europäische Union zwischen Konflikt und Kooperation (= VVDStRL 66) (Berlin, De Gruyter) 277, 56 pp2007LDoD
Hoff Benjamin-Immanuel/Freye Sabine, ‘Der neue Finanzausgleich: Der Anfang vom Ende der bundesstaatlichen Solidarität?’, in Junkernheinrich ea (eds), Verhandlungen, 77, 10 pp2016PAP
Hrbek Rudolf, ‘”Federal Europe”: Unifinished and Incomplete, but Growing and Evolving’, in Gagnon/Keil/Mueller (eds), Understanding, 245, 19 pp2017PN
Hughes Hallett Andrew, ‘The Practicalities of Economic Federalism: A Critical Review of How to Apply the Lessons of Fiscal Autonomy in Practice’, in Valdesalici/Palermo (eds), Comparing, 60, 23 pp2018EP
Hummel Lars, ‘Verfassungsvertrags-Mathematik – Kündbare Verfassungsgebung nach Maßgabe von Zahlenreihen und Kommastellen’, in Junkernheinrich ea (eds), Verhandlungen, 181, 8 pp2016LP
Issing Othmar, ‘Wirtschaft und Währung – Irrwege der europäischen Integration’, in Kirchhof/Keller/Schmidt (eds), Europa, 397, 27 pp2020ED
Keil Soeren/Bransden Simon, ‘The European Union as a Federal Project’, in Gagnon/Keil/Mueller (eds), Understanding, 215, 18 pp2017P
Kilian Maike, ‘Griechische Verhältnisse an der Weser? Verschuludungsprozess und MPK-Beschlussvorschlag aus bremischer Perspektive’, in Junkernheinrich ea (eds), Verhandlungen, 223, 17 pp2016PFP
Kirchgässner Gebhard, ‘Finanzföderalismus in der Schweiz’, in Bußjäger (ed), Perspektiven, 39, 32 pp2013EP
Klingen Karin/Renzsch Wolfgang, ‘Finanzausgleich vor einer Neuregelung? Vorschlag der Ministerpräsidenten zu Lasten des Bundes’, in Junkernheinrich ea (eds), Verhandlungen, 147, 9 pp2016P, PAP
Kocharov Anna, ‘Subsidiarity After Lisbon: Federalism without a Purpose?’, in Azoulai ea (eds), EUI WP LAW 6/2012, 7, 15 pp2012LD
Kössler Karl/Trettel Martina, ‘Fiscal Federalism in Times of Crisis: An Iron Law of Centralisation?’, in Valdesalici/Palermo (eds), Comparing, 347, 29 pp2018L, P, LP
Korioth Stefan, ‘Die finanzverfassungsrechtliche Problematik des Beschlusses der Ministerpräsidentenkonferenz vom 3. Dezember 2015 – eine erste Einschätzung’, in Junkernheinrich ea (eds), Verhandlungen, 121, 10 pp2016LP
Korioth Stefan/Marx Jonas, ‘Germany’, in Griller/Lentsch (eds), EMU Integration and Member States’ Constitutions, 145, 31 pp2021LD
Lehner Gerhard, ‘Der Finanzausgleich 2005-2008’, in Bußjäger (ed), Finanzausgleich, 33, 20 pp2006EP
Lenk Thomas/Glinka Philipp, ‘Interessenausgleich unter den Ländern? Eine finanzwissenschaftliche Bewertung des MPK-Beschlusses’, in Junkernheinrich ea (eds), Verhandlungen, 131, 16 pp2016PFP
Lentsch Elisabeth, ‘EMU Integration against the Backdrop of EU Law and Jurisprudence’, in Griller/Lentsch (eds), EMU Integration and Member States’ Constitutions, 33, 41 pp2021LD
Lindseth Peter L, ‘Power and Legitimacy in the Eurozone: Can Integration and Democracy Be Reconciled?’ , in Adams ea (eds), Constitutionalization, 379, 19 pp2014LUSL
Kress Annika, ‘Accommodating Diversity While Guaranteeing Stability: The Role of Financial Arrangements’, in Valdesalici/Palermo (eds), Comparing, 274, 22 pp2018SP
Mann Dennis-Jonathan, ‘Contested Competences and the Contested Nature of the EU: Ambiguity as a Defining Characteristic of the EU and the (Early) US’, in Azoulai ea (eds), EUI WP LAW 6/2012, 89, 16 pp2012PD
Milbradt Georg, ‘History of the constitutional debt limits in Germany and the new ‘debt brake’: experiences and critique’, in Etisham ea (eds), Multi-level finance, 66, 15 pp2016E, PAN
Millet François-Xavier, ‘National Constitutional Identity as a Safeguard of Federalism in Europe’, in Azoulai ea (eds), EUI WP LAW 6/2012, 23, 12 pp2012LD
Minervini Leo/Vinella Annalisa, ‘Incentives facing local governments in the absence of credible enforcement’, in Etisham ea (eds), Multi-level finance, 326, 33 pp2016PFN
Mourmouras Alex/Rangazas Peter, ‘Clientelistic politics and multilevel finance: some implications for regional inequality and growth’, in Etisham ea (eds), Multi-level finance, 299, 27 pp2016E / EN
Nicolini Matteo, ‘The Priniciples of Separation and Correspondence, the Comparative Method, and the Problem of Semantic Change’, in Valdesalici/Palermo (eds), Comparing, 83, 32 pp2018LP
Palermo Francesco, ‘A Post Scriptum to Ron Watts: The Trajectory of Fiscal Federalism’, in Valdesalici/Palermo (eds), Comparing, 382, 5 pp2018LP
Palmstorfer Rainer, ‘Austria’, in Griller/Lentsch (eds), EMU Integration and Member States’ Constitutions 523, 15 pp2021LD
Parolari Sara, ‘From a Formal to a Substantial Approach: Sources of Law and Fiscal Federalism’, in Valdesalici/Palermo (eds), Comparing, 22, 18 pp2018LP
Peeters Patrick/Mosselmans Jens, ‘The Constitutional Court of Belgium: Safeguard of the Autonomy of the Communities and Regions’, in Aroney/Kincaid (eds), Courts in Federal Countries. Federalists or Unitarists? (Toronto, Toronto University Press) 69, 34 pp2017LD
Pernice Ingolf, ‘Domestic Courts, Constitutional Constraints and European Democracy: What Solution for the Crisis?’ , in Adams ea (eds), Constitutionalization, 297, 21 pp2014LUSL
Pitlik Hans, ‘Fiscal Federalism, Austrian Style: Fear of Competition’, in Lütgenau (ed), FF and Decentralisation, 41, 19 pp2014EP
Poiares Maduro Miguel, ‘Foreword. Fiscal Capacity and Constitutional Reform in the EMU’, in Adams ea (eds), Constitutionalization, v, 8 pp2014LUSL
Ratzmann Volker, ‘Entsolidarisierung? Selbstentmachtung? Vertikalisierung? Kritik ohne praktische Relevanz! Zur Kritik am Konzept der Länder für die Neuordnung des Finanzausgleichs’, in Junkernheinrich ea (eds), Verhandlungen, 51, 11 pp2016PAP
Ruppe Hans Georg, ‘Reformoptionen in der österreichischen Finanzverfassung und im Finanzausgleichsrecht’, in Bußjäger (ed), Finanzausgleich, 109, 10 pp2006LP
Saunders Cheryl, ‘Financial Autonomy vs. Solidarity: A Dialogue between Two Complementary Opposites’, in Valdesalici/Palermo (eds), Comparing, 40, 20 pp2018LP
Scheller Henrik, ‘Zur Geltungsdauer des neuen Finanzausgleichs zwischen Bund und Ländern – “Beständigkeitsklausel mit einprogrammierter Verfallsterminisierung?’, in Junkernheinrich ea (eds), Verhandlungen, 11, 11 pp2016PP
Schneider Carsten, ‘Verhandlungen zur Neuordnung der Bund-Länder-Finanzbeziehungen – Politische Wegmarken’, in Junkernheinrich ea (eds), Verhandlungen, 95, 8 pp2016PAP
Schneider Friedrich, ‘Lively Fiscal Federalism in Austria – Fiction or Reality? Some Provocative Remarks’, in Lütgenau (ed), FF and Decentralisation, 203, 10 pp2014EP
Schneider Friedrich/Bröthaler Johann, ‘Zur Reform der vertikalen Verteilung im österreichischen Finanzausgleich’, in Bußjäger (ed), Perspektiven, 97, 47 pp2013EP
Schnellenbach Jan, ‘Fiscal Sovereignty in a Globalised World: The Pressure of European Economic Governance on Domestic Public Finance’, in Valdesalici/Palermo (eds), Comparing, 328,2018EP
Spahn Paul Bernd, ‘Multi-level finance and the Euro crisis: the German experience’, in Etisham ea (eds), Multi-level finance, 83, 20 pp2016PFN
Steytler Nico/Ayele Zemelak Ayitenew, ‘Local Governments in African and Developed Systems of Local Government: The Struggle for a Balance between Financial and Fiscal Autonomy and Discipline’, in Valdesalici/Palermo (eds), Comparing, 299, 29 pp2018L, PP
Taubert Heike/Thater Christian/Rohloff Vera, ‘Ein mathematisches Glanzstück, aber kein föderales Meisterwerk. Eine kritische Bewertung des MPK-Modells zur Reform der Bund-Länder-Finanzbeziehungen aus der Sicht der neuen Flächenländer’, in Junkernheinrich ea (eds), Verhandlungen, 63, 14 pp2016PAP
Ter-Minassian Teresa, ‘Promoting stabilizing and sustainable sub-national fiscal policies in the EU’, in Etishad ea (eds), Multi-level finance, 21, 28 pp2016L, ED
Turgeon Luc/Wallner, Jennifer, ‘Adaptability and Change in Federations: Centralization, Political Parties, and Taxation Authority in Australia and Canada’, in Skogstad ea (eds), The Global Promise of Federalism (Toronto, University of Toronto Press) 188, 25 pp2017PD
Valdesalici Alice, ‘Defining Fiscal Federalism’, in Valdesalici/Palermo (eds), Comparing, 11, 11 pp2018LP
Valdesalici Alice/Palermo Francesco, ‘Introduction: Methodological Approach and Structure of this Book’, in Valdesalici/Palermo (eds), Comparing, 1, 8 pp2018L / LP
Van der Sluis Marijn, ‘Maastricht Revisited : Economic Constitutionalism, the ECB and the Bundesbank’, in Adams ea (eds), Constitutionalization, 105, 19 pp2014LUSL
Van Malleghem Pieter-Augustijn, ‘(Un)Balanced Budget Rules in Europe and America’, in Adams ea (eds), Constitutionalization, 151, 29 pp2014LUSL
Verdun Amy, ‘Federalism in the EU and Canada’, in Gagnon/Keil/Mueller (eds), Understanding, 233, 12 pp2017PN
Waldhoff Christian, ‘Finanzautonomie und Finanzverflechtungen in gestuften Rechtsordnungen’, in Kadelbach ea (eds), Bundesstaat und Europäische Union zwischen Konflikt und Kooperation (= VVDStRL 66) (Berlin, De Gruyter) 216, 60 pp2007LD
Watts Ronald L., ‘Comparative Research and Fiscal Federalism’, in Valdesalici/Palermo (eds), Comparing, 376, 8 pp2018PP
Weiß Reinhold/Münzenmaier Werner, ‘Lohnsteuerzerlegung: Bedeutung zentraler Lohnsteuerabführung multiregionaler Unternehmen und Auswirkungen einer arbeitsortbezogenen Verteilung des Lohnsteueraufkommens auf die Länder’, in Junkernheinrich ea (eds), Verhandlungen, 241, 23 pp2016PA EP
Zeitler Franz-Christoph, ‘Die Währungsunion sturmfest machen – Europa stärken’, in Kirchhof/Keller/Schmidt (eds), Europa, 377, 7 pp2020LD

Column “D” lists the author’s academic discipline (s)
E = economy; H = history, IR = international relations; L = law; P = political science; PA = public administration; PF = public finance; S = sociology; Var = various

Column “C” provides information on the availability
D = digital copy available; P = printed copy available; N = no copy available; USL = printed copy at the University of Salzburg library